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What factors are considered with property division in Missouri?

When a Missouri couple decides to move forward with the end of a marriage, property division is frequently one of the most contentious issues that they must face. As rife for dispute the disposition of property is and how it is decided who will get what, there are laws as to how property and debts are handled in a divorce. Understanding what factors will be considered is a foundational aspect of dealing with the case. When the couple is divorcing, the court will determine what is marital property and what is non-marital property. The same holds true for debts. [...]

2019-03-15T16:20:20+00:00May 17th, 2018|Categories: Property Division|

What are the two types of child custody?

Going through a divorce and witnessing the impact that event may have on the lives of one's children can be difficult for a Missouri parent to bear. It is often during negotiations related to the futures of their children that parents zealously fight for what they think with provide their kids with the best possible lives in the wake of divorce. Child custody is one of the biggest topics that a parent will have to address when their marriage comes to its end. Child custody can be divided into two main categories: legal custody and physical custody. A parent who [...]

2019-03-05T15:19:08+00:00May 4th, 2018|Categories: Child Custody|

Factors that are considered before a spousal maintenance award

Not every divorce will result in a Missouri court awarding spousal maintenance. Spousal maintenance is also called alimony or spousal support and is the payment of money from one ex-partner to the other for after their divorce is finalized. This post will examine some of the important factors that courts can use to decide if spousal maintenance is appropriate. First, a court will look at whether a person asking for spousal maintenance is able to take care of themselves based on the property and income. If a person has not worked outside of the home because they have focused their attention [...]

2019-03-15T16:19:19+00:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Spousal Maintenance|

Can a prenuptial agreement really benefit you?

As you are planning to get married, it can be beneficial to think about your plans beyond just the day of the wedding. It is prudent to consider financial roles, responsibilities and even what will happen in case of eventual divorce. One of the ways you can do this is to draft a prenuptial agreement. Some Missouri couples fail to draft a prenuptial agreement, even if they think it could be beneficial because it seems to be planning for the marriage to fail at some point. In reality, it is not planning to divorce in the future, but instead, it [...]

2019-03-15T16:17:44+00:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Divorce|

Is relocation in the best interests of your child?

Family courts in Missouri make child custody decisions based on what is best for the child. In many cases, parents present these decisions to the court after working it out beforehand, and often, parents share child custody as evenly as possible. More studies support the idea that shared parenting is an important part of a child's ability to thrive as an adult. You and your spouse likely considered these factors when you arrived at your custody agreement. However, situations change, and you may be facing the choice of whether to relocate with your children. You may feel it is your [...]

2019-03-15T16:15:27+00:00April 16th, 2018|Categories: Child Custody|

The role of fault in a Missouri divorce

There are a multitude of reasons that the parties to a married couple may choose to end their union. They may find that over time they have grown apart, or the end of the union may be sudden realization based on the conduct of one or both of the parties. In Missouri, individuals do not have to plead fault to bring their marriages to their ends, but fault can play a role in a divorce if the legal matter is contested. A no fault divorce is one in which blame for the end of the relationship is not assigned [...]

2019-03-15T16:12:56+00:00April 6th, 2018|Categories: Divorce|

How does Missouri define marital property?

When a couple decides to divorce, splitting property can be an awkward and complicated issue. Determining who has the right to what is not an easy task, particularly at the end of a long-term marriage. Divorce courts in Missouri will look at the marital property of the couple and work to divide it in as equitable a fashion as possible. But what exactly is marital property? After the marriage date All possessions and assets acquired by a couple after the marriage date are considered marital propertyunder Missouri law. Common types of marital property include real estate or automobiles acquired after [...]

2019-03-05T15:46:12+00:00March 16th, 2018|Categories: Property Division|
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