What if there is a failure to pay child support in Missouri?

When parents share a child in our state and have parted ways as a couple, one of the issues that must be addressed is child support. In most cases, the custodial parent and the supporting parent will want to ensure adequately care for the child. This is true even if there are lingering issues between the two of them. Unfortunately, in some cases, there is a dispute between the parents and the supporting parent does not pay what is owed on time, in full, or does not make the payments at all. When this is the case, it is [...]

2019-03-15T16:23:20+00:00June 28th, 2018|Categories: Family Law|

Navigating Missouri child custody issues requires legal help

Parents in Kansas City and throughout our state will always want to place their children and their well-being first. This is especially important when the couple ends a marriage and must determine child custody and visitation. Unfortunately, this is also the most contentious matter in a divorce. Therefore, it is important to have competent and experienced legal advice. Some cases are relatively amicable. In these instances, despite the issues that led to the parents parting ways, they can communicate in a friendly and agreeable manner to serve the best interests of the child. On the other extreme though, couples [...]

2019-03-15T16:22:47+00:00June 13th, 2018|Categories: Child Custody|
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