I want to quit my job and go back to college. Can I reduce my child support obligation?

As a general rule, every parent is legally obligated to financially support his or her children, regardless of employment status. The court determines the amount of child support a parent owes by first evaluating the child's primary residence and the total time spent with each parent. The court then considers the income and expenses of both parents and the child. The specific amount of child support is determined by the child support guidelines of the state where the child support order is issued. However, deviations from these guidelines are permitted under certain circumstances. Once a child support order is [...]

2024-05-30T15:11:17+00:00May 30th, 2024|Categories: Child Support|

Legal Separation vs. Dissolution of Marriage: Which Should I Choose?

When a marriage relationship ends in Missouri, spouses have two different options they can pursue: legal separation and dissolution of marriage (divorce). Many people think legal separation is an easier temporary process than going through a full dissolution of marriage, but that is not exactly accurate. In fact, the two processes are virtually identical because all the same issues must be decided in either proceeding-- division of property and debts, maintenance, custody, and child support. However, there are a few important distinctions between legal separation and divorce. The main legal distinction is that after a legal separation, the parties [...]

2024-05-13T15:53:58+00:00May 13th, 2024|Categories: Divorce|
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