When it comes to property division, beware of sentimental value

When a Kansas City resident has a piece of property, like a favorite chair or an heirloom china set, he or she might say that the property has sentimental value to him or her. The term sentimental value means that, while the property might not be worth much to the general public, it has a great deal of worth to the owner. Sentimental value is what value an individual, usually the owner of the property, puts on a piece of property and is almost always higher than what the property is worth to an average person. It is usually based [...]

2019-03-15T16:36:06+00:00September 21st, 2018|Categories: Property Division|

For better or for worse, Missouri is a 50-50 child state

Of late, several states have decided to make moves toward giving both moms and dads equal time with their children. Missouri is one of those states. In other words, under current Missouri law, if parents are living in two separate households and need a custody order, the default will be a parenting plan where dad gets to have the kids in his home half of the time, and mom gets them the other half of the time. While 50-50 is not how it always works in practice, and there are exceptions to the rule, in general, a parent who has been [...]

2019-03-15T16:29:13+00:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Child Custody|
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