Can a prenuptial agreement really benefit you?

As you are planning to get married, it can be beneficial to think about your plans beyond just the day of the wedding. It is prudent to consider financial roles, responsibilities and even what will happen in case of eventual divorce. One of the ways you can do this is to draft a prenuptial agreement. Some Missouri couples fail to draft a prenuptial agreement, even if they think it could be beneficial because it seems to be planning for the marriage to fail at some point. In reality, it is not planning to divorce in the future, but instead, it [...]

2019-03-15T16:17:44+00:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Divorce|

The role of fault in a Missouri divorce

There are a multitude of reasons that the parties to a married couple may choose to end their union. They may find that over time they have grown apart, or the end of the union may be sudden realization based on the conduct of one or both of the parties. In Missouri, individuals do not have to plead fault to bring their marriages to their ends, but fault can play a role in a divorce if the legal matter is contested. A no fault divorce is one in which blame for the end of the relationship is not assigned [...]

2019-03-15T16:12:56+00:00April 6th, 2018|Categories: Divorce|
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