Like many other states, Missouri has specific rules that cover situations in which a parent in the Kansas City area needs to move.

The purpose of these rules is to make sure that, on the one hand, parents who need to make a move for good reasons have the ability to do so without having to worry about losing a relationship with their kids and, on the other hand, the other parent gets to maintain his or her relationship with the children as well, at least to the fullest extent possible.

While this post is meant to serve only as an overview of these rules, Kansas City parents should bear a few points in mind.

First, unless there is some sort of very good reason not to do so, a parent needs to let the other parent know of any move that is going to be effective for more than three months. The notice has to be in writing, contain certain information and be sent by certified mail, generally at least 60 days prior to the move.

After receiving the notice, the other parent has 30 days to object to the move. If the other parent does so, then the parent wanting to move has to show first off that the move is in the child’s best interests. Moreover, the parent must also show that the move is being made in good faith and not, by way of example, as a means of spiting the other parent or depriving him or her of parenting time.

Given that they can have a profound impact on a parent’s relationship with his or her children, moves are often the subject of disputes about child custody. For this and other reasons, a parent is well-advised to speak with an experienced family law attorney prior to a move.