Let Us Guide Your Family Forward

Keeping Our Focus On What Matters Most

Custody and parenting time issues can be some of the most contested matters in family law. Often diverging opinions about what is in the child’s best interests can drive well-intentioned parties into conflict that is difficult to navigate.

At Berkowitz Cook Gondring Driskell & Drobeck, LLC, we guide our clients through this challenging experience with our focus on your family and moving you forward. When the emotions cloud your judgment and affect your ability to be objective, we can guide you toward a resolution that addresses your concerns. Our thorough preparation and our extensive background and experience allow us to tailor creative solutions to your custody and parenting time matter.

Helping You Plan For A New “Normal”

After parents split up, children are put in a difficult position. The courts encourage both parents to be involved in the child’s life. Many factors impact the decision on custody and parenting time. Some factors include:

  • Ability of the parents to cooperate
  • Proximity of the two residences
  • Ability of the parents to encourage child’s relationship with another parent
  • Mental health concerns
  • Unique circumstances involving the child
  • Age of the child

The court will seek to do what is in the best interests of the child. When parties negotiate an agreement, they must adhere to this guideline as well, but are able to be a bit more creative when they maintain control over the agreement outside of court.

Your life and your child’s life will be different after a divorce or a breakup, but it can be a positive change. Guidance from one of our skilled attorneys can allow you to evaluate resources and options that you may not know about. We can also assist you with the financial component of custody and parenting time that involves the child support determination.

Get The Counsel You Need To Protect Your Children’s Best Interests

Call our Kansas City office at 816-753-5000 or send us an email to find out more about our family law services. Our lawyers serve clients in both Missouri and Kansas.

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